Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Projects Always Make Me Smile!

So Here's a Happy Post!!!! YAY!!

My Wonderful, Magnifico Hubby took on our Deck for his FIRST summer project. Although, it is almost August he promises 2 weeks full of summer projects to make Momma happy. And the first one does! I am super pumped!

So Here is Project 1: Fresh, Fun, Summer Backyard Deck 2014
Inspiration: Margaritaville meets Mexico

Obviously this deck needed some TLC. The dogs and the sun have taken turns wearing off the stain and excitement. This is our Pups' Home Away From Home as they enjoy basking and tanning in the warm, Texas sunshine.

He first began with a few minor fixes.

Step 1: Screw down loose deck boards
Step 2: Clean the deck..

Sounds easy enough. I was in my nice cool office an hour away while he was slaving in away in the HOT, HOT, did I mention H-O-T (?) sun. Poor guy.

I am pretty sure he was exhausted before the project even really got underway.

Next, it was time to brighten up the place. Remember Margaritaville meets Mexico. Sounds fun, right?!!  :)  I want to part and drink a big, beautiful umbrella drink just thinking about it.

Step 3: COLOR

This is something I DID!! ( Insert pat on back) I did pick the magical, party color of Laguna Green by Valspar. I thought it would be super friendly and inviting. We went to Lowe's and looked at a few colors and I was supposed to be super excited for our adult Lowe's trip but instead I was drugged out of my mind on children's Claritin, so it was only partly enjoyable. However, I obviously was lucid enough to make this AWESOME decision of choosing this glorious shade of blue-green! :)

Step 4: Make Momma Happy and finish Project: Fresh, Fun Summer Backyard Deck before I get home from a long, hard day at the office (just teasing, but he did :))

I think it is a success!! Romeo (aka Bubba) Approves!

Chris also put some small palms in some colorful planters. He really did an amazing job! He wrapped this project up right before some of my friends come in for our annual girls' night. I can't wait to have a delicious drink on the deck while catching up with my lady friends. Thank you Honey! You are the best! Love that I married such a handyman!!

Ah, and there it is again, Life hit me in the face!

Hmm, Good morning.... breathing- yes...I am blessed...
But everyone is entitled to a bad day or a string of bad days, right. Is that normal? I am the counseling student who needs to be counseled, immediately or more like yesterday.

I just need to vent for a minute. Just a minute. Breathe and don't cry. Who am I kidding? Me, not cry..more like, Breathe, don't cry too much.

I have been a doormat all my life and it continues into my adulthood. I have been lied to, hurt, and walked all over and I have to do something about it.
I don't feel that I get credit for anything. I am afraid that no one even knows I exist. I have felt like this before, so alone, like nothing I do will amount to much.

I wanted to be more than that.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Searching for me..

Hello out there! Welcome to Crazytown, population 1, starring yours truly.

This is something I have pondered doing for so long, I forgot why I wanted to do it [blog] in the first place. But I stumbled upon another blog, that rekindled my imagination, or maybe the lack of the imagination that I once had (what a sad reality!) and thought maybe this will provide me with a cathartic release that I so desperately need.

I use to be imaginative. To dream, be carefree, and have delusions of grandeur and be mocked for being naive.. I was a little more sad, a little less stressed, and a smidge happier in my rocker-girl world, but I grew up..and in a sad, blink of time.. these dreams. these ideas. died inside. And some of me was lost along the way.

When you realize that happens, let's rephrase that.. When I realized that happened, I went into Mourning. Experiencing depression, isolation, coldness, and lack of purpose...daily feelings that I experience regularly. Don't get me wrong, I am happy; the happiest I have ever been. I love my family more than anything! My saviors! I have a good job, two dogs, Romeo and Juliet, affectionately known as Bubba and Beans and a gold fish named Bubbles.  But these feelings are unattached. Dissociated, completely...

This is a personal, independent realization of myself and wanting to overcome [it] so bad, I want to scream and have on occasion or two between random breakdowns. This is about finding "me". I am searching and when I think I am so close, something happens and derails me again. Along the way, I will have wonderful memories with my family, drink good beer, workout like a madman, try to be a good mom, listen to music, and hope I pick the pieces of me up along the way.. So here's to finding me..Slainte!


Crazytown-Population: 1